With my new speaker system and subwoofer, I have proceeded to blow out my windows, doorframe, and eardrums by playing Pet Shop Boys' song "How Do You Expect to be Taken Seriously?" at approximately 10^100 decibles. For the unenlightened who have not had the fortune of hearing this song (which I assume is most of you), this song features one of the most excellent beats I've ever heard.
On a side note, welcome to my new blog. You're invited to read it and make comments- after all, that is what a blog is for. However, you are not welcome to be rude or make fun of anything I say on here. If you do, I will trace your comments, spam your email address into oblivion, install a trojan on your computer, and destroy all your files. You may think I'm bluffing, but I dare you to tempt me :-D
I spent most of yesterday setting up a wireless network for my house. While it is now successfully installed, my poor laptop is still connected to an ethernet cord, because we have not bothered to buy a WiFi card for it. Its not of any importance to my family because, after all, its only my laptop.
Ok, I'm becoming bitter again. I'm sorry. I'm trying my best.
As a sidenote, Pet Shop Boys is by far the best band I've ever heard. Hands down. w00t PSB!
Hahahaaaaaaaaa! Have you ever gotten that feeling when you're listening to music and it just hits the very frequency of your entire person, and you're suddenly happier than you've been in years? I LOVE LIFE!