Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Thought Police

I though I'd write this down, this dream I had this morning. It was a strange dream...

I had a glimse of something horrible happening. It involved a kid named Louis, Clint Eastwood, and the Thought Police. No, wait, just listen. So I have this memory of this thing that's going to happen, and I'm in my car.
I see Louis and a girl on the side of the road. I stop to pick them up, I'm not sure why. They say to me: "So, whatcha doing, Erik?"
I reply, "I'm just driving."
"Where are you going?"
"Nowhere, I'm just driving."
"You're weird."
I see in front of me a large collection of blue-helmeted police surrounding these cars. And I think... "Oh christ, it's happening." I pull over and jump out of the car. I'm running down the sidewalk, as fast as I can, when I run into my friend Matt. He grabs me by the sweater and says "Erik, where are you going? Clint Eastwood's over there. Let's go see him!"
I try to keep running but he has a firm grip on my sweater, so slide out of it and keep running. I hear him calling to me
"You're weird."
I remember running across the intersection, trying to get a car to hit me. They're going to slowly though because they're just pulling out of the stoplight, so they can avoid me. But I remember thinking that it was of the utmost importance to die there, now, before the police could get me. It was a radical, paranoical fear. I finally ran and jumped off the highway overpass, into the cars rushing below. I woke up before I hit, as usual.

As a totally unrelated tangent (or maybe related in some sort of way), I was in Costco today. As usual, I gravitated towards the computer section. I was fiddling around with one of the shitty PC laptops when I noticed the screensaver programmed into the largest computer there. It was the scrolling marquee one, where you can choose the text. well, somebody had decided to write
"fags and lesbians go home"
so that it was scrolling in bright red text over and over and over like some sort of... I don't know. But i'll tell you one thing. I'm tired of this shit. I know why I'm here now, I think. I'm here to fight these sort of people. People who judge before they know, act before they think, speak before they understand. It's these sort of people who make this world a worse place to live in.

Next tangent: tonight is Winter Solstice. I'm going to go outside at midnight and watch the sky, because tonight is the night when the sun will be furthest from us. I think that's important in some way. I think I'm going to watch the sunrise as well.



Blogger Aermethys said...

We've found a cure to the plague, if by plague you mean Plague, smallpox, etc. And racism was distributed much the same way through the highest to the lowest people. But no longer do we have the Jim Crow laws, or segregation, or anything like that. We can fight, and we can build momentum, for these people are already on shaky logical ground. It's not hopeless by any means. It's just going to be an uphill battle.

5:47 PM  

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